CT award-winning Director - Filmmaker / CT Author - Screenwriter



James W. Hawk, Filmmaker James W. Hawk
          award-winning - filmmaker - author - screenwriter - photo artist

     deco - HawkMedia Studiosdeco - HawkMedia Studiosdeco - HawkMedia Studios

 •   Two animation films were award-winning films at international film festivals.

 •   One film was an exhibit at a Rome Italy art exhibition.

 •   Two films were finalists at film festivals around the world.

 •   Four films were semi-finalists at film festivals around the world.

 •   Films have been screened 107 times at 58 film festivals and other film venues
     around the world.

 •   More than 155 credits on IMDb (Internet Movie Database). Click here to see those credits.

 •   Films have 335,000+ views on the internet.

 •   Click here to view demo reel, "The Demo Reel for James W. Hawk - filmmaker"


 •   Received an unsolicited invitation from Fox Searchlight to submit one of my feature film       scripts for their consideration.

 •   Approached to direct a $5 million budget feature film.

 •   Approached by a distributor that was interested in distributing one of my films.

 •   Films shown on local television, at film festivals and other public venues around the world.

 •   Associate Producer for the Connecticut Film Industry Training Program student film for
     three years.

 •   Produced the behind the scenes film for the Connecticut Film Industry Training Program
      for four years.

 •   Four TV interviews regarding the making of my films.

 •   Hosted two local TV interviews.

 •   Numerous newspaper and magazine articles about my films.

 •   Panelist at the Connecticut Film Festival for the Micro Budget Film session.

 •   Attended film and writing classes at Quinnipiac University.

 •   Took studio production equipment training at a local studio.

 •   Has a Mechanical Engineering Degree.


deco - James W. HawkFilme